Store » Hoppstock, Tilman. Minimal Moments

Hoppstock, Tilman. Minimal Moments


*  3 Open String Voices & Capo in American Minimal Art + Alternative Version for Practising + Complete Spoken Version for Children & Teens

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Tilman Hoppstock, “Minimal Moments”
Skill Level: Beginner.
8 Pages.

Author’s Note:

“Minimal Moments”,  the title is a bit influenced by a composition technique which has been used very often by american composers like Phil Glass or Steve Reich.  With their minimal music they formed and developed a new structure of music which is also based on Gamelan music you can find in Java and Bali.

The principle idea is based on the repetion of certain groups of notes.  Very little changings result in a kind of metamorphosis.  Sound,  harmony or even rhythmical elements coming into a progression very slowly step by step.  One of the simplest and quite clear notations for this kind of music is to fill “small box” with notes… they are indicated with numbers where you can see how often they have to be repeated.

In the beginning it seems to be quite strange but with some more experience you will see it is so easy to understand and to follow the score.
Because ”Minimal Moments” wants to invite real beginners to come in contact with that kind of music,  we only use open strings.  I also took care to avoid a principle idea of the the so called Minimal music:  The epical duration!  As far as you can produce interesting sound effects with open strings,  “Minimal Moments” is written for 3 guitars using a capo (first guitar on 3rd fret,  second guitar on 2nd fret).

A short note for teachers:  For the work with kids (for example in groups) I also have created a version without guitar.  With the same rhythmical models as in the guitar version you just speak the piece, using words….. so ist the same piece but just spoken!  It will help to learn the rhythmical patterns before to perform than on the guitar.  Instead of german words you can find english expressions (expressions does not mean the exact translation into english, not even a similar meaning, but a comparable sound… same long and short articulation)

For example (left = the original german,  right = recommenadation for english words).

Page 2:
Mis – si – sip – pi = Mis – si – sip – pi
or: Schik – ki – mik – ki = Mi – key – mou – sy
Tan – te I – da = un – cle Doo – bee
Tan – te I – da, Tan – te I da, Rat – te = un – cle Doo – bee, un – cle Doo – bee, tuck in

Tilman Hoppstock