Store » Oasis Guitar Humidifier Plus +

Oasis Guitar Humidifier Plus +


The Plus+ is the same size and shape as the original blue Oasis, but is made of a different material which provides 50% more humidity output.

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SKU: 003155 Category:


While the original Blue Oasis provides sufficient humidity in many environments, it is not effective everywhere.  The humidity demands of the desert, mountain states or frigid north exceed the humidification capacity of the device. For this reason, Oasis developed the Oasis Plus+ humidifier.

Because the Plus+ is the same size as the original Blue Oasis and it has 50% greater humidity output, it will be necessary to refill the Oasis Plus+ more frequently than the original Blue Oasis.

If one is using a hygrometer, it’s recommended that the Oasis Plus+ be used when the room humidity is below 25%. The original Blue Oasis should be used when the surrounding room humidity is between 25-40%. Above, 40%, you should not be using a humidifier.

It is important to also to monitor the humidity inside your instrument case. Case size, design, material and other factors will impact the humidity permeability of each case. While general rules are helpful, a good hygrometer located inside the instrument case will give you the best information regarding proper humidification requirements.

Because tap and bottled water have dissolved minerals that can clog the liner, distilled water is recommended to extend the useful life of your humidifier.